.Seminar Poster.


In the past decade, advances in precision oncology have increased the demand for predictive assays that enable the selection and stratification of patients for treatment. The potential of AI in pathology is to create image analysis tools that could either be used for diagnostic support or derive novel insights into disease biology, in addition to those achievable with a human observer. The possibility of digitizing whole-slide images of tissue has led to the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning tools in digital pathology, enabling mining of sub-visual morphometric phenotypes and, ultimately, improving patient management.

In this seminar, we invite the data scientist and doctors from Changhua Christian Hospital, National Taiwan University Hospital, and aetherAI to share the AI-powered diagnostic support system on assisting pathology digitalization and bringing healthcare to the next level.

.About Seminar.

1. Advisors: Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China (Taiwan)

2. Organizers: Changhua Christian Medical Foundation Changhua Christian Hospital, National Taiwan University Hospital, aetherAI Co., Ltd.

3. Co-organizer: Taiwan External Trade Development Council

4. Date and Time: August 10th, 2021 (Tue.) / 16:00-17:00 (GMT+8)

5. Zoom Meetings: https://reurl.cc/bXNO6M (Meeting ID: 990 8082 2272)

6. YouTube Live: https://reurl.cc/qgAKDp

7. Fee: Free

8. Registration: Online Join Now

※For any question or concern, feel free to reach out to us.

Email: D9009@cch.org.tw

Tel: +886 04-7238595 ext. 8476、8477



Dr. Chiao-Min Chen

Data Scientist of Artificial Intelligence Development Center,

 Changhua Christian Hospital

Dr. Han-Mo Chiu

Attending Physician of Division of Gastroenterology,

National Taiwan University Hospital

Dr. Joe Yeh

 Co-founder & CEO of aetherAI,

aetherAI Co., Ltd.





.Contact Us.

Contact Information

Dr. Nina Kao
Phone: +886-4-7238595 ext. 8475
E-mail: D9009@cch.org.tw

Ms. Phoebe Liang
Phone: +886-975-571-637
E-mail: phoebeliang@aetherai.com

© 2021 《Medical AI Online Seminar》- Artificial Intelligence in Digital Pathology - New Tools for Diagnosis
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